As Beautifymed, we are working with internationally Accredited and Certificated Surgeons, Doctors all using cutting edge technology and having extensive experience in their fields of Plastic Surgery, Hair Transplantation, Cosmetic Dentistry, General Surgery and IVF Baby etc. Our patients are at the heart of everything we do and as a result, we’ve formed a carefully designed patient journey to ensure that each client is treated with the best care available. We only work from high-quality, internationally accredited clinics and hospitals in Istanbul, ensuring the quality of care before, during and after your treatment regardless of the procedure you’ll be undergoing.
Beautifymed is a Medical Tourism
Consultancy Reffering Patients to Qualified
Surgeons Performing Private Medical Procedures at Internationally Accredited
Hospitals in Turkey.
تعمل جراحة شد البطن على تحسين مظهر دهون البطن والبطن بشكل كبير ، لكن التندب الناتج عن الجراحة يكون دائمًا. هناك تقنيات مختلفة يستخدمها جراحو التجميل في عملية شد البطن. عملية شد البطن ، يمكن إجراؤها أيضًا بجراحة تصحيح شكل الجسم.
Phone / Whatsapp
+ 00 44 7888 897944 / + 90 545 711 7228
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